Most people would not be able to find a job without a jab requirement that would pay nearly as much as they are currently making. Having to choose between the jab and watching your children starve is not a choice. They may have "willfully" submitted, but it wasn't a choice. It was a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code.

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Coming from the other side of the equation, how long do you think these businesses requiring mRNA injections would stay in business without workers if everyone refused? And without people working, who will have money to buy their products and services? Believe it or not, the consumer rules. No work = no consumers= no businesses.

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If there had been early mass refusal, the mandates wouldn’t have seen the light of day for long. Quite honestly we stand up or we suffer the long-term consequences. You cannot comply your way out of tyranny.

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When people do not step out with a group “no” to their employer at first point of contact, the employer will no be incentivized to allow personal choice. You’re right about the long term consequences, which are a feature - not a bug to the big picture. The middle class has had a target on it’s back for what - 70 years or so.

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Bidennomics polished off many businesses afterward. Many were overextended with too many sites, or too expensive to use. Mismanagement can be added to that.

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The consumer rules ONLY if the threat of their action is greater than the threat of what the government can do to a business that refuses to comply. Given the heavy majority of people in the US who took the shots, it simply wasn't enough. Will it be enough this time? Time will tell.

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Yes. Government spokesmen might better start by parting, lockstep, your thoughts, Crixcyon.

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I said, from the beginning of the mandates, if all of your like-minded people got together and told management you refused to take these shots what would they do? Would they fire all of you? Then their business would go under. It kind of really is that simple. I had friends tell me they had to keep their job, they had to pay the mortgage, what else could I do? They had to take the shot. No, you didn’t. You could’ve found another job. You could’ve gotten together with all of your like-minded friends, and said no. Another question is, who is verifying all of these VAX ID cards? Does it go beyond the human resource manager at that particular job? If not, why couldn’t the human resource manager just say yes we’re all in compliance and let it go? Does human resources send a list of every single person and the dates of their shots to some government agency? Is there a government official sitting down and looking at hundreds of thousands of names and businesses matching it all up? No of course not. That sort of infrastructure was not in place. There’s no logistical way they could’ve done that. so where is the information sent? Why are these corporations so scared to not comply? Who is actually verifying that everyone in the company had the shots? I think these are the real questions. Because if these corporations allow themselves to be fearmonger and in turn put that fear upon their employees then that’s harassment.

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It's always a choice.

Things are going to get very interesting when the mark of the beast rolls out, if people are so easily swayed to rolling up their sleeves for their job.

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yep, and what we're witnessing today is the prelude to that. If you can get the masses to give up sovereignty over their bodies for food, they can easily get people to accept the mark when threatened with death, those who aren't saved already that is. They have to get America (as a world leading country) out of the way first, and this is what we see happening now.

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Obviously, most people are going to cave when threatened with death. We all sense that our destiny without Christ is to be avoided at all costs. But see my comment to The Conservative.

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Most WILL cave because MOST won't have a relationship with Christ when He returns. In order to KNOW and not just SENSE, all people need to be in a relationship with Christ. The one who merely "senses" the need for Christ will succumb to the pressure and be deceived.

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That is a difficult and complicated question. I know I have that relationship. I have no knowledge of anyone else, simply because I cannot see their heart. Only God can. I am working on defining what a person should look for. The videos of Ray Comfort have helped quite a bit.

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My go to is Voddie Baucham. The bible tells us, we will recognize our brethren by their fruits, and not everyone is our brethren. They will speak of Jesus, have a heart for God that can be seen, not be militant but love ALL children of God...that last one is the hardest for most Christians, including me :-(

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The jab is the mark. Most people took it.

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We're not that close to the mark of the beast, given that the Israelis have yet to begin construction of the temple. And popular eschatology doesn't cut it with me. We don't know enough to make such pronouncements. Not until prophecy is fulfilled. Jesus told us that only the Father knows the day of Jesus' return. He will come as a thief in the night. Countless cults have been formed out of trying to make definite predictions about what Daniel and Revelation mean. The blatant eisegesis is painfully obvious to me whenever I read anything some people have written.

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There is no where in the Bible that states the temple is to be reconstructed before the end. That is a false prophecy.

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Here's the popular narrative: there will be a tribulation period of 7 years. At the beginning of this time, sacrifices will once more be offered in the temple. You cannot offer sacrifices in a temple that doesn't exist. We know that the Israelis are working toward rebuilding the temple, and they're teaching temple ceremonies. Halfway through that period, an evil being will be revealed. I consider that whole thing to be preposterous, but nobody can talk sensibly about getting the mark of the beast unless he considers that to be accurate.

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Yes, I have heard this narrative. However, It is not Biblical. The Great Tribulation occurred either during the war that destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD or between the years of 538-1798, 1260 years (42 months), as one day in prophecy is equal to a year, during the papacy reign and the killing of 50 million Christian saints during the dark ages and the inquisition.

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Sorry preterism doesn't wash either. It is based on something Jesus said that is ambiguous at best. Consider: the moment you die and meet your maker, you are at the end times. Every single one of the people living in 70AD met their maker.

In order for preterism to seem true, people had to invent events that never happened, like beings appearing in the skies. It's full of holes.

Read the CONTEXT of Daniel. Where are the four kingdoms? What about Greece being mentioned? Not Rome, not Russia, but GREECE! Saying that a day equals a year is eisegesis. There is nothing to indicate that this is what was meant there.

People also use that bit about one day equaling a thousand years to postulate an old earth, even if they seem to accept the Genesis account (though they are ignoring the genealogies.)

The sooner people let go of having to explain EVERYTHING, the better. I am content not to know. I have Jesus, so He can take me any time He wants. As for the rest of it, I live my life to the best of my ability out of gratitude for His unspeakable gift.

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And there are many theologians that believe we are not only in the end times but that we are waiting on the last trumpet to sound. Others also have calculated that the second advent of Jesus will happen either in the year 2030 or 2033, 2000 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Quite a coincidence that the WEF has an agenda 2030 isn't it?

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Well, no, not really. It's just the latest in a string of agenda dates. Remember agenda 2022?

I repeat what I have said before: trying to set the date is the impetus for countless religious cults. Don't do it. Don't buy into the narrative of those who do. Jesus said He will come as a thief in the night. That means we CANNOT predict WHEN. Jesus said only the Father knows the date. That means none of us does. And it means we CANNOT predict WHEN.

There are scads of theologians who play fast and loose with prophecy. I am not interested in anything they have to say.

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I am not predicting any date to anyone. I am just passing on others predictions so people can get prepared. Matthew 25:13 states that no one know the day or the hour. He didn't say anything about the year.

It's when people think that we are not in the End times that they will get themselves into trouble by believing they have plenty of time left and are not looking for the signs.

And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants. 39And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through. 40Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not. 41Then Peter said unto him, Lord, speakest thou this parable unto us, or even to all? Luke 12:38*41

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I am well aware you were passing on other people's predictions.

But the idea that because Jesus said we don't know the day or the hour doesn't mean we don't know the year is nonsense.

This is the passage I was referring to.

People don't have plenty of time. Nobody knows when he will die. And that is the date that matters to the vast majority of us. Getting right with God is Priority Number One. (I am a fan of the videos of Ray Comfort, and he makes this point in the vast majority of them.) It should be noted that all the signs mentioned have occurred repeatedly and/or continuously since Jesus ascended into heaven! I don't worry about it because I cling to Jesus, and trust Him fully for my salvation. I only worry about what I have to go through in the meantime, and having the strength to deal with it, but I know God gives the strength when it is needed and not before.

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I keep saying there are and always have been many marks of the beast. The jabs are and they are causing sickness and death as per Revelation.


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I agree - I was never in that position re work though I had a very difficult 6 months at the height of the evil vax passports. I don’t know how I would have reacted if my job had been at risk. However (maybe I’m naive and certainly no expert in human behaviour) we could have avoided it all if a few more people had just said no on principle. ‘They’ simply couldn’t have got away with it if a sizeable minority had objected and agreed that swapping one’s bodily autonomy for a trip to a restaurant or a sure holiday was just not worth it - and plenty were in that category.

Yes, I am probably naive because those behind this had studied human behaviour and knew how the majority would behave.

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I’m w/ you, Hilary, losing one’s job - esp when so much was locked down & alternative employment in short supply, that mandates directing the jab “or else” was a “choice”. In addition, until 3+ years ago, doctors & healthcare providers of all types were esteemed. If your trusted MD or RN / pharmacy friend or relative told you to get it, many would not question this. I refused the jab, even though my long time MD & personal friend told me I should get it. Since I’ll be 65 later this month, I’d have simply retired if my job was threatened. But so many - esp naive young people just starting their lives or families & did not really have those options or the life-long experience to be suspicious or downright defiant against government.

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I have two daughters. My elder daughter (early 30s at the time) swallowed it all and we had many heated disagreements. I think she was disappointed in me that I didn’t get the jab but I was disappointed that at one point she actually agreed with the vaccine passports. We had to let it all drop to save our relationship but we are limited now in what we discuss. Ironically my younger daughter eventually said no (despite being a newly qualified doctor at a time in the U.K. when it looked as if health workers may have lost jobs if they declined) once her husband and I pointed out a few things. She has never regretted it and has since had a beautiful baby. I will never forgive those who pushed the agenda for the harm and division they caused between parents and children and spouses.

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My two 20-something sons are jabbed, but against their will. My younger son had just joined the USAF & my older son had just started his own personal training business @ a gym that decreed if anyone was unjabbed, they’d have to wear a mask which would be a scarlet letter & none of the dopes who believed the BS would go near him, much less train w/ him. I wish he’d lied but he did get the J&J & has said “never again”. I worry about them every day now.

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I hear almost nothing about harms caused by J&J shot, and I read extensively about the data on the harms. All the discussion is on the mRNA bioweapons.

My point is it's possible that, absent already visible harm, your older son may have dodged the bullet. Just make sure BOTH know the underlying mRNA tech is going to go to all the vital organs and cross the blood brain barrier every time. Taking jabs with that tech is truly medical Russian Roulette. Sooner or later, they'll add payloads or nano particles that harm just about everyone that continues to take them.

I pray your son is safe and that you find peace with it.

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Thank you so much, James. I also have heard little about J&J harms & can’t help but wonder if it got removed because it WASNT harmful enough & they wanted everyone steered to mRNA jabs. I worry about aerosolized mRNA or putting it into food & water (or mosquitoes). They’ve had no problem w/ bodily autonomy & lack of informed consent so far….

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One of the reasons you hear so little about J&J is that very few people got that one. Unfortunately.

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Me too. And now she is pregnant. I pray that all will be ok.

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Best wishes to her & a healthy pregnancy & baby

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Your king time doc is an idiot. He could have done the research just like the rest of us. Figure it out. He said as suggesting it because his bonus would be bigger

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The bonuses both from the government and insurance companies were obscene. The fact that nearly every doctor sold out revealed their true motivations. I'll never trust allopathic medicine again.

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That is the silver lining of this whole situation. Finally people are realizing the truth. Never trust the medical establishment again. Or any authority.

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Not king. Long. Dang auto correct.

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Well, perhaps king is suitable as doctors like to lord it over their customers, sorry patients.

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Plenty of idiots to go around w/in & w/out the medical field.

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I have stronger words for such doctors. Here in the UK i was misdiagnosed but grossly ignorant ones re my facial palsy which I still have.

Anyway, I wrote this to relieve my anger. My WordPress site.


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People really set the stage when they acquiesced to the growing and sale of GMO frankenfoods. They set the stage when they accepting polypharmacy for their medical problems. The roots of this are deep. Even my parents and sister turned against me for my refusal to go along with Establishment medicine. And my sister is paying the price. My mother could have lived to 100, had she not been involved in polypharmacy. She lived to 97. But I was the lone dissenter in those days; none of my friends took the path I did. When it came time to do lockdowns, masking, or shots, I was already immune. I did none of that. And it has been costly. I was refused admission to hospital for a condition the doctor told me could kill me, because I cannot and will not wear a mask. How stupid is that? And I'm living with that, and it's a constant source of anxiety. But the die is cast.

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Good for you for an early awakening. I was asleep until 3+ years ago.

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Welcome to the club! I hope millions more follow in your footsteps.

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It wasn’t complete unawareness; I have long distrusted authority (including government) but I was just living my little life, wanting to live & let live & be left alone to be a productive member of society & enjoy love & companionship of family & friends, have my simple pleasures. But I never believed anything government did was for us. When was any law passed that INCREASED our freedom & autonomy as “free” people…like NEVER. It’s all punishment.

My main “wake” was realizing how ancient & deep the hatred is for we masses of the great unwashed & their plans to “deal” w/ it.

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A few more people would hardly equate to the sizable minority, unfortunately. I totally agree with you about people who got the shot to enter a restaurant or to travel. I stopped flying when the TSA started molesting people. So it was no skin off my back when the airlines started mandating masks and shots.

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I agree completely. Mass noncompliance I said it from the beginning. If everyone got together and just said no, we’re not taking it with the corporations and the businesses fire all of them? No, they couldn’t afford to do that and who exactly an upper level government is going through hundreds of thousands of names matching them with the businesses and the dates they got their shots or the fact that they did get their shots? No one. It’s logistically impossible. No one was actually verifying it. They just scared people into thinking they were. Which is completely stupid because how could everybody fall for this bullshit?

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They tried to get everyone vaccinated at the company I work for in October 2021, About 100 of would have walked away from our jobs.

If they try it again same thing.

Also, more are now informed of the dangers of these Mrna gene therapy shots.

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I believe you are right. More people are going to resist. I hope so. At this point, there probably isn't a single person of reasoning age who doesn't know at least one person who was either killed or seriously harmed by the shots.

I have a friend who owns a restaurant. Getting reliable people to work for him and stay on the job indefinitely has been almost impossible. The reliable people just aren't out there. Either they succumbed to the shots, or they have no sense of responsibility. And I suspect a lot of businesses are learning the same thing.

The problem initially was and always has been the power federal government exercises over all businesses, with endless regulations, and bribes of federal grants. That power has been used to force most businesses and universities to capitulate and issue mandates. People need to cut their umbilical cords. That's easier said than done.

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They also may have been disabled by the shots. They can no longer hold a job.

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And picking that with the idea you may not even be around for your kids is the worse choice. Figure it out. It was coercion but those who chose the job still made the wrong choice!

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You are giving people far more credit for knowing about the shots than they "deserve". They were DEFRAUDED by claims the shots were necessary, safe, and effective. You above all should be aware the truth was suppressed, and someone had to know where to go to get accurate information.

Two of my children took their life into their hands and filed for a religious exemption. In the long run, both prevailed, but it was extremely difficult. One nearing retirement in the Army, the other with a career and substantial pension in an age when no one can count on Social Security. Most of the people who took that chance, lost. And why did my children do this? Because I had access to the truth, and I educated them.

Since when do we blame the VICTIMS of FRAUD? I have NEVER, EVER done that, nor will I ever do so.

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No shots were necessary, safe, and effective ever. People have been defrauded since vaccines were invented over 100 years ago. People believed the lies and it wasn't just re vaxxes, there were so many clues it should have woken them up. None of it made sense, but they preferred the lies to the truth so they were given over to the lies.

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I agree. Before the Rona scam happened would you have thought that your government would be actively trying to kill you? Did anyone who didn’t get jabbed think that the government would force people to take something that they knew would harm or kill them? In other words did you think that your government could be THIS evil?

Kudos to those who are patting themselves on the back for not getting jabbed. Did y’all know immediately that they would do this much harm? Or kill this many people? I didn’t. I just thought that there were no long term studies that showed that the jabs were safe and effective. And that’s leaving out the massive psychological war that terrorized people into thinking that the Rona was more deadly than it was.

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Re "Did y’all know immediately that they would do this much harm?"

Subject to what date you imply by 'immediately', yes, because all vaccines have always caused harm and death, always. But I only realised this by June 2020 after 2 months solid research and have been trying to warn people ever since. I wrote to the UK cabinet to say don't waste taxpayers' money on vaccines. They did not listen of course.

This is my overarching post from last year which I had on my WordPress site and now on substack.


But I did a summary back in October 2020.


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That wasn’t directed at you. It’s those who say that they were smart enough not to get jabbed and mocking those who did.

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All very true. But I don't need to pat myself on the back. I grieve for those who were deceived and coerced, and who have been harmed, which will include nearly everyone who got the shots.

All I have to do is look at other governments in history, some of which have killed tens of millions of innocent people, and at our current corrupt leadership to think government would do such things.

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Give me a break. I wasn’t blaming. Heck, my own daughter got it too even after I pleaded she not do that. I also had to file a religious exemption and it was accepted.

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Any time you say people had a choice, you are blaming. Any time you say they chose it, you are blaming. A Hobson's choice is not a choice. A choice based on fraudulent information is not a choice.

You are blessed your exemption was accepted. Plenty of people were refused.

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They were playing Russian roulette with their bodies. Many got the jab to keep their job, were maimed and lost the job anyway. Everybody should just have said 'No' and stopped it in its tracks.

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Agreed. But the only sources of information for most people said the shots were safe and effective. Since search engines, MSM, social media, doctors, Establishment medicine, Resident, all said so, and they didn't know where to look for real information, they were DEFRAUDED in violation of the Nuremberg Code. How are they going to know to say No if they are accustomed to buying pharmaceutical "drugs" (really poisons in small doses), and they are victims of fraud? I never blame the victims of fraud. Given the information they had, they chose what seemed safest. It just so happens they were wrong, and they are paying the price of the tyrants that defrauded them in the first place.

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I understand, and maybe in the States people being so much more wedded to medications than the UK I suppose that makes sense.

However, it was not the vax on its own but the lead up and all the other evidence that things just didn't add up. There was the best part of a year before the roll out of the poisonous jabs and there were lots of pointers in the mainstream media, hypocrisy of so-called leaders ignoring the so-called rules (in the UK always strictly guidance as per gov.uk website). None of this was hidden, yet people chose to be believe the lie.

As it is written therefore

The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them.

For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.…

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I was not aware of the facts leading up to the deployment of the shots. I didn't need to be. All I needed to know was that they were going to tamper with our genes with mRNA.

The fact is, everything about the way it was deployed violated the Nuremberg Code. And that's all anyone needs to know. And the people responsible should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

People are full of delusions, whether God sent them or not. Even the belief that pharmaceutical drugs of any kind are useful and beneficial is a delusion. I chucked that belief almost 2/3 of a century ago. If people had recognized pharmaceuticals for the poisons they are, they would never have fallen for the death shots.

I make only two exceptions re pharmaceuticals: pain relief (temporarily until I get access to ginger and other natural substances) and drugs that immediately prevent death (and are usually derived from natural sources, like antibiotics.)

satan definitely is more successful now than I think he has ever been. But the world has been full of tyrants who commit mass murder since the very beginning. And when the population of the earth is only 4 people, killing one is mass murder.

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Get a damn clue already. Your rants are tiring. People need to recognize evil and STAY AWAY!

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If you find my "rants" tiring, DON'T READ THEM! Yes, people need to recognize evil, but I NEVER, EVER blame a victim of FRAUD. You shouldn't either. Those of us who know better have a DUTY to warn people. I am doing that. Are you?

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We’re talking about coercion, which is not the same as physically pinning someone down and jabbing them against their will, but STILL. ILLEGAL.

It’s a language game. We must use and demand precise use of language and refuse to tolerate anything otherwise.

Mr Rucker, it is intellectually disingenuous to say people ultimately had a “choice.” No lifesaving operations unless you’re jabbed isn’t a choice. Providing care and oversight to institutionalized elderly relatives only if you’re jabbed is no choice. Withholding scholarships to poor college football players unless they’re jabbed is no choice.


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My whole family was coerced. And only one out of 4 of us gave into the coercion. The other 3 of us had to make difficult sacrifices and deal with a lot of emotional turmoil to stay unjabbed. And while I wholeheartedly agree that coercion is illegal and unacceptable, and the perpetrators should pay dearly for their crimes, ultimately it was still a choice. And the consequences are devastating.

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Absolutely agree- 100%!

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Maxxed irony: if you really pay attention, they are not lying! Vaccines were not compulsory:

A. There was no legal mandate to vaccinate: everything was illegal!

B. No police forced you to get pricked, so until they grab you, they are not really forcing you, right?

C. Penalty of home-imprisonment was not coercion, just a nudge. “No jab, no job” can’t be possibly understood as “no jab, no life”: no business, no mortgage, no home, no education, no surgery, no hospital, no dentist, no public transport, no travel, no bank, no public buildings, no restaurant, no bar, no gym.

D. Those injections were NOT vaccines, just poison, some call them "gene-therapy" but they were bio-bombs.


E. Not vaccines but haccines (6x hack ... they love that satanic number):

1. They hacked cell DNA nucleus to produce lethal spike proteins and other lethal proteins forever (even the cells replacing them, because it was inserted in the DNA)

2. They hacked your cell DNA, including carcinogenic Simian Virus SV40 sequence.

3. They hacked your immune system by disarming and destroying it with HIV biotech inserted in the spike.

4. They hacked your body into a walking shrapnel bomb: you became a "vaccine shedder" to get your closest.1

5. They hacked you with para-magnetic nano carbon/graphene tubes to turn environmental EMF into electricity to power nano-chips:

6. They hacked your body with nano-routers emitting Bluetooth, picked by your phone and re-transmitted to a DoD human-ID website.

What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?

Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.

The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!

For example, I start with this video (2 minutes):


(caveat: pot destroys your brain…)

9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach and all 7 World Trade Center towers destroyed, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the owner, with his 2 grown up siblings, failed to show up for work (never skipped work before)… by the way, he first took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them. The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!:

4 min. (0.75 speed):


Where’s the plane for the 2nd Tower (WTC1)?


Controlled demolition?


Why is 9/11 called a Pearl Harbor event? Both Churchill and Roosevelt were masons and plotted to get the reluctant USA into the war by provoking the Japs and letting Pearl Harbor (left the whole fleet defenseless and concentrated there as an easy candy to be taken from a kid, no radar warning from outer islands, etc.) and MUCH MORE:

Please read and watch all of this! Your life depends on it, because there's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”

- J6: The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the insurrection against the stolen elections in Brazil! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.


It's such a mason manual that they organized the same J6 play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:



- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:

1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries

2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)

Check soundchoice.org or videos at bottom after this page:


- COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:




- Wake up videos:



- It's genocide for depopulation:


- It’s the masons, who create counterfeited currencies (trillions of dollars and EUROS) and bought the listed corporations, media, healthcare, universities, parties and political careers:


Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


Pllllleeeeease, on my knees, don’t believe me, just do your own homework by searching the following in yandex.com, mojeek.com (includes crawl date filter and substack search), gigablast.com, startpage.com, duckduckgo.com (not Google, Bing, Yahoo censors). The key terms to test them? Child Satanic Ritual Abuse, Child Satanic Ritual Murder.

If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.

President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

Confessions of a former mason (Serge Abad-Gallardo):


Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


Confession of 33rd degree master mason - Masons worship deities/demons


Masonry's Satanic Connection


Masonry's Satanic Doctrine | From Their Own Books


Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See


Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies [1995] [VHS]


Satanic Pedophilia Torture and Blood - Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed




The best way to have a real dialogue about vaccines being weaponized to handicap, infertilize and murder the “over-population” is to start with vaccine contamination: nobody could be in favor of contaminated pharmaceuticals.

1. Carcinogen SV40 in Oral Polio Vaccine: they knew it since the 60s but kept distributing it even until 2016 !!!

2. hCG in vaccines to infertilize women detected since the 90s: still going on

3. Thimerosal, aluminum, Mono-sodium Glutamate (MSG) and other NEUROTOXINS

4. Heavy metals

5. Human DNA 2000% in excess of FDA 10 ng limit (main driver towards brain damage like autism/asperger/ticks, leukemia and non-Hodgkin cancer), probably related to point 7 below.

6. Graphene oxide in Flu and COVID shots but now with anything injectable (even dentist anesthesia, hospital IV, etc.).

7. Carcinogenic SV40 genomic sequences and double-stranded DNA in mRNA COVID shots: the hacked DNA in the cell doesn’t stop producing the poison when the cell dies, but its descent continue the poisoning until the haccinated casualty dies.

8. Bluetooth nano-routers injected with COVID vaccines and inserted with swabs (which explains why they rejected the cheaper non-invasive saliva test).

Proof of criminal intent:

Points 7 and 8

Censoring and blocking 30+ COVID cures

Labeling the most lethal batches with a lethal code (howbad.info)

Blocking the real knowledge of effectiveness v. "adverse event" rate

That proves:

A. There's zero Government control

B. There's zero Manufacturer liability

C. There's zero Media coverage

D. All that, during decades and still going on, not only with vaccines but also with medicines, food&beverage additives, etc. Everything, even institutions have been weaponized!

E. There's zero political action to stop that (except RFK2 in the USA)

16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet


If we don’t succeed, they’ll succeed with their 6-sword lethal plan fully exposed here:


Change goes in hand with the number of awakened! Thank you for sharing this to save lives!

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Wow. Excellent post. I’ll pass it on and I hope to God people listen 🙏 this time.

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Since March 8, 2020, everything has been upside down. Nothing makes sense. None of this is normal. None of this is okay. What is happening?

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They can do whatever they want now. It doesn’t matter anymore. They have already injected 70% of the population with this poison. You can only kill a person once. Adding another injection or not makes NO difference now. The combination of adverse reactions to the injection and the coming “immune escape” super variant is going to kill the vast majority of the “vaccinated”. All we can do now is sit back and watch the show. Does everyone have a good shovel?

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How are you going to function after the 'show' is over? You know after all the truck drivers, energy and public service workers, and medical personnel who got jabbed die off.

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Good question… I wrote a piece of fiction that will put you into what may be the world to come. Here is my vision: https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/an-excerpt-from-the-second-dark-age?r=gjogf&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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I don't think everyone has gotten the bad juice yet... that's been saved for last for "cleanup" purposes. Its "mass-die-off" will be mixed in with the "mass die-off" triggered by 5G. Some will be cooked alive from the inside-out.

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The vaccine adverse effects (just beginning) and the coming "immune escape" variant are more than enough to get the job done. "The Coming Pandemic of the Vaccinated" https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/the-coming-pandemic-of-the-vaccinated?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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That implies it's communicable, which it isn't.

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Please watch the attached links - #1 link at least - all of these are at the end of my post.

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Not all but many. The military got to some of the jabs and made them safe. They couldn’t get to all of them.

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You are wrong about what he meant about warp speed. Remember, Q was invented for a reason. Trump talks in Code and only those who followed Q knew he did. Warp speed wasn’t about getting people to take the jab. He had to pretend he believed in it as he had to fool the evil ones promoting it, that he wasn’t on to them, when he was. Warp speed was to get to many of the jabs and make sure they were placebos. But since those of us who could read between the lines that this was a damn Russian roulette game and to steer clear, others that were mostly stupid democrats ran to get it and call the smart conspiracy theorists. He used the word “speed” in his clue because thinking people already knew you need TIME to develop safe vaccines! But what we ended up finding out was that ALL vaccines are not safe at all! Q followers were given clues in the posts and the lockdowns happened to give us time to research instead of using that time off wasting it!

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There are a couple of things that weigh against your view. The main ones being 1. Trump has no knowledge of things medical, and as with most of his appointments to his administration, he kept Fauci, the traitor. The most telling thing is the fact that he has kept on promoting the value of the shots (while opposing mandates) way past the time the squatter took over the White House. PS I never got the jab nor will I do so in the future.

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Omg, you just don’t get it. He KNEW Fauci was bad but had to get him front and center so we could see it too!

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Then why did he keep praising the shots after Biden squatted in the White House? If you are right, that makes absolutely no sense!

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Trump worshippers are in a cult. They cannot go against their master. Completely brainwashed. I hope God opens their eyes before it’s too late.

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You're not religious. This is your pose. Nobody believes you. You're probably vaxxed and believe the vaxx is safe.

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You are an IDIOT!!! Too late for what? Higher interest rates and gas prices?!!

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Truthfully, I don't know what Trump would do as a lame duck. I just know that any Democrat that runs against him is unthinkable.

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He had to play along, for Pete’s sake! OMG, wake up!!!!

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Hi Christine,

What is your interpretation of when Trump, while still in office, recited "The Snake"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSrOXvoNLwg

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EXCUSE ME! There was absolutely no reason he had to PRAISE the shots for more than a year after the squatter took over the White House. At that point, he knew or should have known how deadly the shots are, and plenty of people TOLD him. He should have WARNED us. He has blood on his hands. Not because he played along while in office. That is entirely possible. It is his inability to warn us now, and to refuse to acknowledge he made any mistakes because of his colossal ego. I'm not saying we shouldn't vote for him. Any Democrat is a thousand times worse. Just be aware that he's got a serious flaw, and we need to hold him accountable, particularly if he is elected this time.

And please do not blaspheme when you write to me.

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No, only an idiot took the shots after his saying he got them. It was long past the point where anyone who would listen to him was on the fence. Why would anyone who listens to him take it after he spoke of Regeneron, Ivermectin, or HCQ? If the way the media sought to block those things didn't tip you off, you're an idiot. If you needed a warning not to take it at that point, why didn't th media warn anyone? It's all going to fall on them and the government colluding together to kill people. It will be a great historical lesson to potential bootlickers going forward and the last time Communism can creep into America again. You are no military tactician and if you were ever President, everything you did would be easily undone... or you would have gone down as the latest Hitler and would have been blamed for mass murder.

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Gotta let the damage happen so that we could see how bad Fauci was? And he had to let lots of people die too? That shouldn’t make sense in your mind and yet you seem to believe it. Take your rose colored worship glasses off and see reality. Trump was in on the scam. Dr. Zelenko told him how to treat infection, but he ignored his recommendations.

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No, the machine that put Fauci into place, fed him, and watered him. If he did it your way, we'd already be finished.

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There was no way Trump could get rid of Fauci. Quit trying to frame that narrative.

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Trump well could have gotten rid of him. He was president! And he could have warned the people. He could have refused to play along early on (once they threatened him with a 2 year lockdown, it was a different story; now he felt he had no choice but to push the release of the shots). If he had taken Scott Atlas on board, as a replacement for Fauci and Birx, it would have been a totally different story. It is entirely possible he was compromised by accepting money from the pharmaceutical industry to pay for his inauguration ceremony. He didn't need the money, and he had talked to Robert Kennedy about the dangers of vaccines early on, and seemed receptive to what Kennedy had to say.

Incidentally, Scott Atlas didn't want to be in the middle of that mess. He was there for a few months, but unable to accomplish anything other than to gather inside information to make us more aware.

This is an area where I spent hours each day since March, 2020, together with a group of colleagues with excellent credentials and expertise, doing research on all things Covid, and you aren't going to influence me with a mere statement of opinion.

Trump is the best of a bad lot, but he still really messed up his final year. I won't vote for him in the primary unless he denounces the shots, but I will certainly vote for him in the general election. I recognize your loyalty, but loyalty has to be earned. He was by far the most effective president his first three years, but he had a knack for choosing and retaining the very people who would betray him time and again. Being astute in business doesn't translate into judging the character of politicians. Businessmen have an impetus to be honest in making deals, politicians, not so much.

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You're agreeing with his false assertion that Trump could fire Fauci? You really don't understand how far in advance the thing was planned out. Laws were put in place long in advance making his firing impossible. You're either a meathead, or you're working with this guy and hIs CoLlEaGuEs.

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The shots were coming out no matter what, son. Be glad it wasn't Hillary's gig as intended... you never would have heard of Ivermectin, HCQ, or any of his red flag clues that only an idiot would take the shots.

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That's not my point. My point is that Trump should have warned the public about the shots the moment he was replaced by the squatter in the White House.

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Warned them about what?

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Also, he will be your President again. Please post videos of you and yOuR cOlLeAgUeS screaming "NOOOOO" at the sky when it happens.

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I guess you had trouble with reading class in school. I clearly said, several times, that if Trump is the nominee, I will vote for him because all the Democrats are unthinkable. I just won't vote for him in the primary unless he denounces the shots.

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I don't believe you. You're saying that to appear Conservative so your argument isn't automatically discarded.

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No he couldn't get rid of Fauci. Impossible. Even if he could, on what grounds could he do it?

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He can get rid of anyone he wants in his administration. He doesn't need a reason. If Fauci is outside his administration, he needs to take steps to eliminate Fauci's influence on his administration. He needs to make sure that no facility of his administration gives Fauci a way to reach the public with his "message".

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Fauci wasn't part of his administration. Fauci is protected swamp. There are laws that don't allow certain employees to be removed by a President. Next you'll tell me he could have fired Sotomayor.

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Quit trying to defend what Trump did. There is no excuse for treason.

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He did nothing wrong. Who are you trying to con?

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Trump has done something wrong. He kept telling people to get the shots, they were good, after he was no longer in the White House. He knew or should have known they are deadly and not effective. He was told plenty of times. He saw how many people reacted when he urged people to get the shots. At some point he knew. I'm still waiting for him to denounce the shots. Maybe he will now that he has said we will not comply with mandates. I'm waiting...

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And you took it and now blame him? Why did you take it after he told you about Ivermectin?

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Q was most likely "invented" to keep Republicans pacified so as to not stir up trouble. And it worked. Q will have most still waiting for the truth to be shown when the majority of the population has been killed off.

Don't blindly follow, Question Everything.

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I disagree. I do blame Trump for extremely poor choices in personnel, Fauci and Birx chief among them. He also has never admitted mistakes. He did many great things but this was not one of them.

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Don’t skip over Pence hon, remember he was supposed to be a “good guy” too.

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Ooh boy, as a Hoosier, he’s been on my SH list for a loooong time.

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He's never been a "good" guy. IMHO.

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Exactly. I really don’t think that President Trump knew the depth and extent of the Deep State/Uniparty Corruptocrats he was dealing with when I came onboard. Both parties are full of compromised thieves that are cashing out beore the Big Crash comes. Scum.

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Why can’t you see how ingenious his plan was?!!! He knew but had to get the people to KNOW too!! OKG, people, WAKE UP!!!!! And realize what q meant by “trust the plan”!

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If Q is on up and up, he/she is sure is allowing much suffering & death before the consummation of some plan.

That’s why I just don’t buy it. I really think it’s a way to keep good people from banding together in solidarity NOW. Q is just stringing good people along until it’s too late to do anything.

Think Community. Know your neighbors. Use logic, common sense & critical thinking. Believe your own eyes.

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Trust the plan? You mean wear the masks, social distance yourselves, take an experimental vaccine, lose your job or your business, lose your freedom and liberties and when over 50% or more of the population is dead the white hats will show up with all the evidence of corruption for whoever is left to see it.

I hope I am wrong about Q, I really do.

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How else to wake up even the Dems?!! You got a better plan? Watch Dave on x22 report and get a clue.

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I've listened to that guy X22 before make all kinds of predictions that never came true. I think he is just controlled opposition, just like "Q".

As far as the Dems, I think like 95% of them took the jab. So, if it's true about the jab being a bioweapon they won't be around long enough to "wake up". In any event, by the time your white hats make a move it will be too late to reverse the damage done to this country.

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Please. He had to place them front and center so ALL including dimwit Dems could seem for themselves what a liar he was.

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Agreed. Sometimes you have to show the people you can’t just tell them. So much has come to light and people have been exposed that otherwise no one would ever seen or heard about.

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He didn't choose them. You know this. Why are you pretending you don't, Commie?

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Ad hominem is self-negating. Nevertheless, I’ll rephrase, he chose to KEEP them on.

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If Trump is that uneducated he should never have been allowed to be the president. He is not stupid. The research was available to anyone who wanted the truth. He is part of the plan. Just like the rest of the criminal politicians. The sooner we realize this the more chance we have to defeat the evil.

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"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th 2020

"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

"I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August 21st, 2021

"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." — Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021

"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021

“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” - Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021

"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J Trump, March 9th 2021

"Well, I got the Pfizer, and I would have been very happy with any of them. I thought a very bad statement was when they did a pause on Johnson & Johnson. I think that frightened people. That was a bad thing to do. At that time, when they did the pause, they had six people that may have had some difficulty out of millions that received it. But I think the pause was a very bad thing to do." — Donald J Trump, October 2nd 2021

"During my administration, everybody wanted the vaccine. There was nobody saying oh, gee, I don't want to take it. Now they say that. And that's because they don't trust the Biden administration. I can think of no other reason. But they say we don't want it, we aren't going to take it. When I was there, everybody wanted it and we were doing great. Well, the military did a fantastic job." — Donald J Trump, October 7th 2021

"I'm very proud of the vaccine, I've taken it, you've probably taken it. But I'm very proud of it. I think we could have another situation with the Spanish Flu, 1917, where up to 100 million people were killed." — Donald J Trump, August 18th 2021

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I like how you used one quote multiple times, but left out certain parts to make it seem like different quotes. I also like how you mad up dates or how you left out that nobody needed a vaccine when he started promoting it. Only morons would have taken it when he finally did because he said so. You really have a bee in your bonnet about Trump.

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"one quote multiple times": technically correct (one sentence of a quote, "Get those shots everyone!", was referenced 2 times), just rectified it, but you gotta admit, he said it, and with this disaster unfolding, i hope you'll pardon me for the duplicate quote.

Don't give a damn about Trump. But all this talk of "oh Trump is playing 5D chess, he knew those shots were terrible and would kill people, he had a long-term plan" is HORSE MANURE (can you smell it ?). Oh right, in 2029, when everyone is dead, he'll reveal his plan to crush the DS ... Stop this BS, people are dying every day from these bioweapon injections, or they're permanently sterilized, or disabled ..

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It’s just about balance. If our goal is to crush this cabal once and for all, we have to be reasonably confident the nominee is prepared to do that. For me, I really need to see and hear some careful introspection from him, otherwise I don’t feel confident he’s going to be able to do it. Committing to picking personnel from a list Heritage created doesn’t give me great confidence.

Can you tell me what makes you confident?

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Either they gave Trump a placebo (he has natural immunity), or he won't live long enough to be re-elected.

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This post made me spit out my lunch laughing. I thought it was a parody.

These people create excuses for everything.

Q is and was a psy-op, dear God WTFU.

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Q is the most elaborate psyop ever.

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I agree partly, because Trump would have never mandated the shots not allowed others to mandate them. So if he stayed in office, we would have had less death and injury from the shots. BUT, knowing the elections were going to be rigged and what was ahead of us, Trump’s actions sacrificed a hell of a lot of innocent people. And as a Trump supporter, I’m having a hard time reconciling this. There had to be another way to achieve his goal AND protect the masses.

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If you believe that “code” stuff you need to face the truth. It’s all an act. Good cop, bad cop is being played on the people. The people always lose.

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I guess that’s why Trump is still so proud of his beautiful vaccines that saved millions of lives. Good grief. Even if Trump was lied to he still shutdown the country and signed the biggest wealth transfer in history. Plus he bitched about big pharma not delivering the vaccines before the election because he wanted the win.

And lots of republicans got jabbed too and they are still going to get the next booster that comes out. And I guess you missed his sly joke on the coming storm during his press conference with the military general. And if he knew that he was being lied to then why did he go along with the lies instead of firing the liars?

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