Pray the power grid can hold up long enough to shore up food production in the US. Otherwise this could go sideways in a big way real quick. God help us all.

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One of the first things Biden did upon taking office was to give the Chinese access to our power grid. They can turn it off any time they want.

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Having just shopped at a Natural Grocers Health store to pick up three cans of my favorite South Western soup I immediately was taken back with sticker shock when the retail price for one can of soup was $4.68 which means I would have had to spend $14.04 for three cans of soup.

I informed the manager that I will not be shopping there any further until I see a more modest price increase. The original price two weeks ago was $3.65. Even a loaf of Ezekiel Bread has gone up to over $6.50 a loaf. No I did not buy any soup. There is no need to harp about gasoline costs being $4.99 per gallon. We all know what we are being forced to pay.

That evil Obama is the puppet and policy director behind that finger puppet Biden and Soros and that offspring of Hitler Swab, these are the Kabuki masters behind the veil.

Bill gates has been buying up farm land all across America and taking it out of production.

Cattle ranchers are going to be in trouble as costs of feed which includes hay and shortages will depose production for such meat supplies. Avian bird flu killing off chickens besides Bald Eagles are already occurring. Dairy producers could be in trouble. Diesel fuel costs are already curtailing truckers, part shortages are causing companies to cannibalize other trucks to stay in business. Grocery stores are merely 24 hours away from food bankruptcy.

Living in a mega city today will be a living nightmare for most when you consider the current murder rates of Chicago combined with the impending threat of food shortages. People will become at risk. I remember history how a train of over a million people followed the union soldiers under General Sherman as he practiced a scorched earth policy on the South as he headed to Atlanta Georgia and burned it to the ground. The only way the million people that followed did so because that was their only hope of avoiding starvation and ability to survive.

The scenarios that could be played out on America will be different but even more devastating. When there is no gas you go on foot. If heating gas is shut off and essential services lost people will not escape the coming winter even if they thought they could make it trying to migrate to the warm South. You have got to eat and the attitude is what's yours will become theirs as morality will be replaced by 'social Darwinism', Survival of the fittest, where the strong see their wealth and power increase while the weak see their wealth and power decrease or be taken away from them all together. We can all see Obama and the DNC and RHINOS right now all living high on the hog.

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The Chinese have also bought up US farmland.

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I’ve told my kids for years that no society is ever more than three meals from anarchy.

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For how long do you think we should be prepared?

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I'm not being snarky when I say we should be prepared for as long as possible. Societal collapse could take months, years, or decades to correct. They may never get corrected. It's funny because I've considered doing a long analysis on the idea of rebuilding our lives in the long term, perhaps even starting to rebuild society. Unfortunately, we have to get people ready to survive a month, then 6 months, then a year, then...

In other words, there's no way to tell how long it will all take.

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For evah!

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Perhaps the world will hurry up and end, soon.

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