I agree with you. But, it's ashame that we have to file lawsuits to get anywhere. I don't hold much hope in the Courts, either. They are all compromised up to the Supreme Court. Just today,
GW Bush man SCJ Roberts and the SCJ scarry cat Kavanaugh went with the 3 Liberals. Now, do
you ever think for one minute that you would see the Liberal…
I agree with you. But, it's ashame that we have to file lawsuits to get anywhere. I don't hold much hope in the Courts, either. They are all compromised up to the Supreme Court. Just today,
GW Bush man SCJ Roberts and the SCJ scarry cat Kavanaugh went with the 3 Liberals. Now, do
you ever think for one minute that you would see the Liberals coming over to our side? NOT....
Look at the nonsense that the Gestapo DOJ is doing to President Trump. That's what they do
in Communist Countries. Now, I see Castro Trudeau is doing a trial run for the 2024 Election
with the wildfires he caused. Oh, reporting the air quality is BAD. People in NYC wearing
those worthless masks again. The Left will always make a production to make people slaves.
The same happened with COVID. There was a trial run. Then the Climate Lockdown will come.
Oh, JOE will come out and say that we have to revert to ballot boxes and vote by mail. Because,
the air quality is so bad. I'm sure by then we will have some smog or worse. Then Leftists
will have all those illegal aliens stuffing those ballot boxes with fake ballots. Then you
see what happened with McCarthy and the debt ceiling. What happened to the people that
held out and then choked to put McCarthy in as speaker? McCarthy is just another Paul Ryan.
He's controlled opposition to President Trump. Watch how this goes: Pelosi, Miss VP,
and McCarthy have something in common.....all from California. How did that happen?
Then Jim Jordan who is a member of the Freedom Caucus voted with McCarthy. I'm with
everything you said JD. I'm not kidding myself. GOD help us and PRAY +
They are just in Washington politics for show! After WW2 the Soviets dropped an Iron Curtain over the Central Europe & installed Communist parties as the rulers.But in some Central European nations they also allowed non Communist parties to also form.
But these non Communist had no power,they were just there for show,to pretend that they counted!
Washington is the same only a bit more subtle,The town belongs to the Democrats & the Republicans are there to give the appearance of an alternate to the Democrats,but their real powers are limited! This especially since the signing of the 17th Amendment That effectively ended direct States powers in the Senate.
What I am saying is don't look for salvation from Washington.
Look to the Free & Sovereign States of the American Federated Republic to save the nation.
If I told you that the Federal Government in Washington is run in a completely illegal & unconstitutional manner since 1913!
check out on the net the actual mandate given the Federal Government back in 1791
80% or more of the powers exercised today in Washington are Unconstitutional & illegal.
If nothing else, The Founding Fathers of America's Constitution never wanted a powerful Central Government as the Federal government has become since 1913.
A bigger part of Washington's current power & it's agencies are Unconstitutional!
I agree with you. But, it's ashame that we have to file lawsuits to get anywhere. I don't hold much hope in the Courts, either. They are all compromised up to the Supreme Court. Just today,
GW Bush man SCJ Roberts and the SCJ scarry cat Kavanaugh went with the 3 Liberals. Now, do
you ever think for one minute that you would see the Liberals coming over to our side? NOT....
Look at the nonsense that the Gestapo DOJ is doing to President Trump. That's what they do
in Communist Countries. Now, I see Castro Trudeau is doing a trial run for the 2024 Election
with the wildfires he caused. Oh, reporting the air quality is BAD. People in NYC wearing
those worthless masks again. The Left will always make a production to make people slaves.
The same happened with COVID. There was a trial run. Then the Climate Lockdown will come.
Oh, JOE will come out and say that we have to revert to ballot boxes and vote by mail. Because,
the air quality is so bad. I'm sure by then we will have some smog or worse. Then Leftists
will have all those illegal aliens stuffing those ballot boxes with fake ballots. Then you
see what happened with McCarthy and the debt ceiling. What happened to the people that
held out and then choked to put McCarthy in as speaker? McCarthy is just another Paul Ryan.
He's controlled opposition to President Trump. Watch how this goes: Pelosi, Miss VP,
and McCarthy have something in common.....all from California. How did that happen?
Then Jim Jordan who is a member of the Freedom Caucus voted with McCarthy. I'm with
everything you said JD. I'm not kidding myself. GOD help us and PRAY +
Don't completely blame the Republicans.
They are just in Washington politics for show! After WW2 the Soviets dropped an Iron Curtain over the Central Europe & installed Communist parties as the rulers.But in some Central European nations they also allowed non Communist parties to also form.
But these non Communist had no power,they were just there for show,to pretend that they counted!
Washington is the same only a bit more subtle,The town belongs to the Democrats & the Republicans are there to give the appearance of an alternate to the Democrats,but their real powers are limited! This especially since the signing of the 17th Amendment That effectively ended direct States powers in the Senate.
What I am saying is don't look for salvation from Washington.
Look to the Free & Sovereign States of the American Federated Republic to save the nation.
Oh, I know it's just Kabuki Theater. Enjoy the Show :-) They are all in it together.
Uniparty or whatever you call them. By now, if people can't figure them out, it's
curtains for them. My husband, who came from Communist Hungary said it wasn't
that way there. Hungary was pure Communism then. US said they were coming to
help and never came. Then the 1956 Revolution came and Hungary was occupied
for 45 years by then USSR. Thanks for explaining. No wonder the Republicans
break party lines and vote with Dems/Communists. But, you never see a Dem/Communist
vote with the Right.
If I told you that the Federal Government in Washington is run in a completely illegal & unconstitutional manner since 1913!
check out on the net the actual mandate given the Federal Government back in 1791
80% or more of the powers exercised today in Washington are Unconstitutional & illegal.
If nothing else, The Founding Fathers of America's Constitution never wanted a powerful Central Government as the Federal government has become since 1913.
A bigger part of Washington's current power & it's agencies are Unconstitutional!
Thank YOU....This is unbelievable. All those years.
Read Carroll Quigley's Anglo-American Establishment!
His masterpiece,Tragedy & Hope also.
Quigley was no slouch out on the fringe,..read his Bio...He was a world class scholar & what he said should be believed!
OK.....Thank YOU :=)