Of course. Russia is being deliberate so as to minimize civilian casualties. They could have turned Ukraine into a parking lot if they wanted. Believe NOTHING the media tells you.

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Russia is much stronger militarily than Ukraine , and Russian soldiers aren’t woke insane like here.

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Neither Russia or China is forcing the jabs on their military, unlike the US.

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I would not assume that it is for the purpose of minimizing casualties, although that may be one of the effects. It is difficult, as Peter Pry makes clear, to discern purpose.

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Russian war philosophy is quite different from the US. Russia has taken precise surgical strikes on Ukrainian supplies, fuel, arms and foreign shipments of arms to Ukraine. They have gone to extreme lengths to not destroy the infrastructure or civilian populations. They have provided humanitarian corridors, kept electricity up, internet on. Whereas the US would have carpetbagged everything first , destroying the infrastructure and civilian population as they did in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya.

Russia wants exactly what they said they want and they are doing everything in a manner to accomplish it. They want the Donbas area free from ongoing strikes, as well as Ukraine never being allowed to join NATO. They want Ukraine to be permanently neutral. If they wanted to destroy Kiev, they already would have done so.

I don’t believe anything the mainstream media has said. They continually lie about everything.

The US, EU, and NATO are responsible for the special military operation.

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I can agree with almost all of what you say except for your closing assignment of responsibility. To say that the invading army is not responsible for the invasion... Well, that is Orwellian. This invasion fits into Russian grand strategy, as much as we can descry it. First Georgia, then Crimea, now a neutered Ukraine (Oh, I forgot the razed Chechnya), all to reconstitute the USSR, the dissolution of which Putin, and we have to presume he is not alone in this, has long lamented. And it all bespeaks a supremely confident Russia, utterly unafraid of the squawking from Brussels or D.C. We would do well to ask what tangible realities have generated this confidence. I.e., what is the correlation of forces today? The most chilling appraisal is this one by Peter Pry, whom I have long admired:


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Russia 🇷🇺 did not begin a special military operation with the intent of leaving Ukraine country intact as is, for a number of reasons. First, the West and the EU has kept dangling the carrot of NATO membership to Ukraine which poses offensive military security threats to Russian geographical borders. If Ukraine joined NATO it would put forward offensive military bases on Russias front porch.

Second, Ukraine has failed to fulfill their part in the Minsk agreement. They have not acknowledged or respected the self-proclaimed (DPR) and (LPR). Leaving Ukraine intact would allow continual hostilities by the Ukrainian nationalists /Azov Battalion in the Donbas as they have done since 2014. Ukraine has not acknowledged the ethnically Russian separatist areas to live in peace, killing of over 14,000 people from the Donbas area.

Thirdly, Russia has confirmation of US Pentagon funded class 3-4 bio labs in eastern Ukraine, 4 of which are uncomfortably close to Russia.

Lastly, neither Ukraine nor the West have accepted the annexation of Crimea into the Russian Federation since the vote in 2014. They have rejected the referendum and annexation, adopting a resolution affirming the "territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders." Russia will never let Sevastopol fall into the hands of Ukraine. This port on the Black Sea is a critical, strategic location for the Russian Navy.

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Isn't it interesting that the RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH is silent! Not a peep about the perverse diabolical slaughter of innocents and or captivity. RUSSIANS are no more than SLAUGHTERHOUSE EMPLOYEES. DEATH IS A RUSSIAN PROFESSIONAL VOCATION.

The USA is also a master at slaughtering and they do it very well. The amount of depleted uranium dust blowing in the sands of Iraq today have cast cancer upon that country's children and people to be among the worlds highest. All in the guise of George the shrew Bush convincing the United Nations of the need for war to obtain his global permission while avoiding his duty to ask congress for the right to go to war. He did it on his own.

McNamara and Lyndon Johnson are collectively responsible for the deaths of 58000 soldiers plus another 4 million men who died at home from Agent Orange. For what? For a war that was a scheme and the authority for that was was false pretext accusing Vietnam for running a torpedo ship against a US naval vessel which never happened. They used a lie to justify their war.

Twenty years of war in the middle East for what? Has the Democrat Media and the globalist media said anything about 1/2 a million Ethiopians slaughtered from their on going war with Sudan right now? Not a peep. The world is silent.

Turkey has supplied their drones to do much of the killing. Not a peep. America is stupid the people have no clue what is going on. Now the Ukraine war is daily murder while the WEF plays their game of depopulation. Why has Putin never gone after George Soros or Putin? Because he is a graduate of the WEF game plan. Donald Trump any better? His daughter is a graduate of the WEF. How is that helping. Why has the Council on Foreign Relations been allowed to exist? Washington is as perverse and out of control with its political machinations. The last election in the USA was a pure fraud. So will the next election be. Every branch of government has become perverse, every agency. Name one that is righteous. We can't. The world has become Satans playground and things are expected to get very ugly. When the WEF scheme of people owning nothing you better watch out. People are going to buy into it like free lunch at Mikey Dees.

And if you dare own anything people within society who do not own much will pick you out as a target for theft and proclaim you have no right of ownership of anything.

We know this for certain. God has some heavy wrath coming upon this world and that needs to be our focus making sure overcomers are strong and prepared. The digital world is making the bible extinct. You don't see people carrying their bibles to church very often. They have become out of touch with the pages of the written word. It is all done for them on a screen now. No doubt the day will come that if you don't own books the digital world will be censored. Jesus asked the question..." When the son of man comes again will He find faith upon the earth? What say you?

Those who are united with the Son of God have so much more to look forward to.So much more.


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It would be appreciated if you would tell us why you hate Russia and everything related to it.

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Was President Ronald Reagan wrong? “ It seems said Mikhail Gorbachev, that the most important thing about Reagan was his anti-Communism and his reputation as a hawk who saw the Soviet Union as an 'evil empire.' Consider this:

5-10 million Russians died in (or shortly before) the Russian Revolution of 1917

On the 21st January 1924 Lenin died, having killed an estimated 3 million of his people. more like 40-50million during the revolution including stalins rule in the endless wastes of the Gulag.

It turns out that, with the exception of the war years, a very large majority of people who entered the Gulag left alive. Judging from the Soviet records we now have, the number of people who died in the Gulag between 1933 and 1945, while both Stalin and Hitler were in power, was on the order of a million, perhaps a bit more.

The total figure for the entire Stalinist period is likely between two million and three million.

The Great Terror and other shooting actions killed no more than a million people, probably a bit fewer. The largest human catastrophe of Stalinism was the famine of 1930–1933, in which more than five million people died.

Of those who starved, the 3.3 million or so inhabitants of Soviet Ukraine who died in 1932 and 1933 were victims of a deliberate killing policy related to nationality. In early 1930, Stalin had announced his intention to “liquidate” prosperous peasants (“kulaks”) as a class of people so that the state could control agriculture and use capital extracted from the countryside to build industry. Let us not forget what happened to the Cossack's. Tens of thousands of people were shot by Soviet state police and hundreds of thousands deported.

Those who remained lost their land and often went hungry as the state requisitioned food for export rather than for critical domestic consumption (follow the money).

The first victims of starvation were the nomads of Soviet Kazakhstan, where about 1.3 million people died. The famine spread to Soviet Russia and peaked in Soviet 'Ukraine'. Stalin requisitioned grain in Soviet Ukraine (follow the money)

knowing that such a policy would kill millions of people. Blaming Ukrainians for the failure of his own personal policy, the Russian's ordered a series of measures—such as sealing the borders of that Soviet republic—that ensured mass death.

As for Germany? Even contemporary historians of the Holocaust generally take for granted that Stalin killed more people than did Hitler

780,863— happens to be the best estimate of the number of people murdered at Treblinka alone. I have named but only one death camp here.

Overall it was the Holocaust, that consequentially made the Nazi regime worse than the Stalinist one. In terms of a evil. Russia ranks second to Germany. Moreover, Germany also ranks as a twice defeat race and has been kept on a short leash for some time.

The Russian Soviet Union promulgated it’s communist ideology throughout the 20th century well into the 21 right here at home in the good old USA. The Democrat National Socialist Party of America has a majority of card carrying communist members. Having infiltrated America’s institutions and universities , all branches of government, our economy, our military and unions and to co opt American values

and our Constitution.

Tensions have escalated time to time with Russia bringing the world to beyond Defcon 4. I cannot forget witnessing the armada of B_52 Bombers, wave, upon wave ,upon wave, lifting into the sky from Fairchild Air force base in Spokane,Wa.,

as they headed for Russia with extreme prejudice with Russia being devoted to complete destruction.

Remember the Russian shoot down of the misguided KAL007 over the Sakhalin Island with Canadians, Americans, Japanese and Korean passengers

on board, including the late US Representative Larry McDonald? Remember the Bay of Pigs nuclear stand off? Remember the vicious VOLPO boarder guards of East Germany?

Gorbachev said…."More socialism means more democracy, openness and collectivism in everyday life.”

"On the day I became Soviet leader, in March 1985, I had a special meeting with the leaders of the Warsaw Pact countries and told them:

'You are independent, and we are independent. You are responsible for your policies, we are responsible for ours.

We will not intervene in your affairs, I promise you.’ He also said…."I am a Communist, a convinced Communist! For some that may be a fantasy. But to me it is my main goal."

Jesus said of (people) "by their fruits you shall know them”. Since Russia equates to communism and the Russian leopard has never changed its spots.

consider that they are doing to Ukraine fulfills an egregious breach of trust that was assured by former Premier Mikhail Gorbachev.

Trust the Russians? Not the unreformed ones and not the collectivists and certainly not those countries and people who are possessed by an insatiable lust for blood as Putin is, the former KGB brutal dark soul.

I have had many Russian friends, very close ones indeed. I also have a plethora of Ukrainian friends, 1st generation ones. along with former East German friends.

I have heard their tales of woe. Hate Russians? No I do not. I hate their propensity for blood lust. But I never ever said I hate the Russians.

Suggesting that I do is an assumption and you know what happens when you ass u me something.


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It is disappointing that you assume i wanted to make an ass of you and me.

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"Since Russia equates to communism and the Russian leopard has never changed its spots." I agree that there is seamless (though deliberately obscured) purpose running through the feigned 'transition' from the USSR to 2022's Russia.

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“War games”. I agree with you….there is another game going on.

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I’d say Western media provides less trustworthy info than Putin does, especially its info about Putin. For a non-Western perspective on how Russia is doing in Ukraine, I recommend Intel Slava Z on Telegram. De-Natofication is also informative.

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I like it that you are "questioning the narrative".

Being from Russia, and I do NOT support its war against Ukraine, what is actually happening there is a burning question for me.

I have spent days trying to understand it.

What I know and it is not disputed, is that for the last three weeks out of last month of war effort,

- The front has barely moved

- Almost no major cities were taken

- Russia does not seem to have air supremacy, at least not enough for ground troops support

- The more time passes, the more Western small missiles (antitank and anti-aircraft) get delivered

- Minister of Defense and Chief of General Staff have disappeared

All these indications are those of faltering efforts and foiled plans.

However, Russia has a long history of warfighting and could mobilize. Without such an all-out mobilizations it will lose.

Read about "Finnish war of 1939" for a similar example.

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"All these indications are those of faltering efforts and foiled plans." As I'm sure you also have considered, these "indications" could be merely part of the deceptive feint given to the West, stagecraft to increase the appearance of plausibility -- Potemkin villages re-incarnate.

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There are no reserve forces that I am aware of

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Clever of them to get troops to forage in grocery stores.

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You might want to have a look at this analysis


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I believe that the 'collapse' of the USSR was a master deception ploy to destroy the west's concept of Russia as the enemy (in our minds, obviously) In the thirty plus years that have elapsed it has worked. The West has become complacent, relying on ever more outdated and fewer weapons (Obama removed ALL battle tanks from Europe; Trump put back 200. Russia can field 2,000.) and an even more dated approach to a global conflict, while Russia has never stopped modernizing. As Jimmy Carter's former Defense Secretary Harold Brown once said, "When we build, they build; when we stop, they build."

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Russia has had trouble modernizing since 2014. Their access to western tech will be further reduced. The Russian Army in Ukraine is 200,000. It has 35 million enemies. I'd say they were severely outnumbered. And their military industries are way more corrupt than ours.

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The Duran have the most sane analysis and info in this conflict. Also Patrick Lancaster is right in East Ukraine where the war is actually happening. Western media is parroting propaganda that they get from Ukraine defense ministry.

The Duran link. They are also on rumble. Alex and Alexander have their separate updates as well.


Patrick Lancaster


Also Morning Invest is pretty good source of news


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JD Rucker, you're instincts, and discernment were 100% correct.

A Strong prophetic word came today saying that Russia is simply testing the waters to see how far she can get, and what repercussions she will have to deal with. Then she will push against Europe with weapons waiting in the caves and sides of her mountains that America spy planes have no inkling of. Putin is watching America play the fool and will walk right in to the trap being set for her that she is arrogantly ignoring. America is under the judgement of God and is on the downhill slide. The American empire is already showing signs of falling and fall she will.

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Thank you again JD for your insight. It always is great thought stimulation.. Imagine that.. the masses being conned, manipulated and directed toward a way of thinking? My heart hasn't felt so betrayed as it has the last few years, learning the things I have learned took place in humanity during just my 60 short years in this life and prior. But the good thing I'd like ppl to remember is what you learn in the beginning holds throughout, and stays true to the end.. as a child (and most into adulthood), we look through eyes of innocence and naiveness. And He says that we must see once again through those eyes to enter God's eternal Kingdom. Your gratefulness parallels your faithfulness and hope in that eternal future. Live each day with a special thankfulness in what He has given and help your fellow men and women..as children do. Let's all start today

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I agree with you recognitions

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Here's where I'm at:

I don't trust anything I read, from any source. Nope. Not about covid, not about election fraud, not about Afghanistan, not about the Ukraine. No "crisis" must be allowed to go to waste!

I read a lot of information and then I spend even more time reading the comments. I learn a lot from the comments. The "town tavern" of different perspectives is an amazing resource. Readers on substack are the best :)

At the end of the day, we are at a disadvantage. We are not the architects and we are not privy to their plans. Certainly we can access parts of their plandemic data. But "they" are utilizing a form of Unrestricted Warfare. They have planned, drilled, and are executing on a populace that they have intentionally confused and distressed. Do we really want to play the part of the terrified victims to their maniacal perpetrators?

So ask yourselves what we really can do. What has the populace ever, historically, been able to effect? For now, I will take care of my health and my sanity. I will fortify my relationships with my family and with God. I must refuse to be a victim.

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This is so eye opening. Thanks for posting

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There is discussion going on about this war causing the breakup of Russia. Was that supposed to be part of the Great Reset?

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I remember reading in soviet military doctrine back in the 80's how they mocked our concept of MAD. They called it an imperialist delusion, among other denigrating terms. All of Soviet (and that means modern Russian) doctrine calls for the INCORPORATION of nuclear weapons into the general conduct of war. We can't even conceive of that... another aspect of our unpreparedness for a real war.

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NBC kits are being issued. Biden has promised first use if the price is right.

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March 27, 2022
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One of the ideas the CIA guy in the video said is that Eastern thoughts on "victory" are very different from ours. He said something to the effect if a million people have to die to achieve the goal of the leader, that's worth the price because they don't have to worry about reelection.

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Even dictators need some popular support. About 30% is the minimum.

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It is the Russian Way. It is the Communist Way. It is the Globalist Way. It is Satan's Way


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Abused children are always angry. They lack human empathy. Putin is an abused child.

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