Hope he takes them down hard.

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About time.

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Who knows, CNN may just pay for Trump's next campaign for president!

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That thought brings joy to my heart! That would be excellent just desserts for CNN.

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Praying for him and our country

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Soon it will be TNN 🤣🤣🤣

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That would forever irk all at CNN I'm sure - what a delightful thought!

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When Obama left office, he had over 300 judgeships still unappointed. I read that before Trump left office, he made sure to appoint responsible, honest judges to all those over 300 judgeships. Let's hope he gets one of them for this case.

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Cui bono? Only Trump benefits if he wins. People have a weird sense that Trump is somehow their hero on the right. He's not. He still goes out of his way to urge people to take the deadly clot shots. Do you want him in your corner, with a syringe?

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He did not however, at any time, ask for them to be mandatory, as Biden has done. Trump works in very unusual ways, he's playing 3D chess. The reasons why he does such things often don't become clear until much later. I"ve watched him for 45 yrs, he has always worked this way but I've always found him to be right - ALWAYS. He knows what he's doing and has a far better idea of what is going on than we do, he was after all in the White House and saw things we didn't. He's the only politician I"ve ever trusted in my life - and I'm almost 70 yrs old and remember JFK's inaugural address speech so I"ve seen alot of presidents and politicians in my lifetime.

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Sir! Such a well written and insightful comment. I agree that POTUS Trump does things based on knowledge, insight and wisdom that we do not have. He has seen more than he let's on as he has been behind the veil. He was never accepted into the Elite's club...he bulldozed his way in and they couldn't stop him. They had to accept this bombastic sounding man and through that he most likely saw a great deal of their world and gained an understanding of their ways. With this knowledge he suddenly became the devil to these evil people when he ran for and won the Presidency. They know that he will be the death of them; for when the secret of their life is known then the secret of their death is also known.

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Thank you! I agree with every poetic word you wrote and I love every bombastic, New Yorker fiber of DJT. He's not afraid of them, he has steel backbone and he's a true leader. We can all learn from him IMO. You have a beautiful way with words!

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Thank you! 🙏🏾

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Oct 4, 2022
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Respectfully, you lost me at "censorship is a good thing."

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Oct 4, 2022
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I get what you're saying and you have a good point. The thing is, WHO gets to make the decision about when someone says something injurious to the public? That's a very slippery slope and is how we begin to lose freedom of speech. People need to take responsibility for themselves as in the case of cooking chicken in Nyquil for example. Whoever reads that needs to look it up and find out if that is a good or bad idea and quit blaming others for their bad decisions. This is something the left apparently doesn't understand too well because I see them blaming others for their bad decisions alot. I used to vote left until I figured that out.

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Oct 4, 2022
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Well, if Trump knows what's going on with the shots; i.e., millions of injuries and tens of thousands of deaths, and he's still encouraging people to get them, what does that say about him? If he doesn't know (even though you maintain that he always knows), then what does that say about him?

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I'm glad you asked that question - here is a good explanation of why Trump did it the way he did:


If you don't want to read the entire thing (which I recommend as it's full of very good info) scroll down about halfway down the page and go to the subtitle "He started promoting cures and therapeutics for COVID-19". You can use the search function to find the subtitle.

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YES! YES & YES! Go get them Mr. President. This what w.e are dealing with

This criminal behavior from the Democrat Crime Syndicate what we have been experiencing from government and their Orwellian ministry of propaganda. I perceive is a mere tip of the iceberg. There must be global accountability. The truth is out there. This is just too wicked! There is as of yet, no accountability concerning the source of this stupidity and evil. The media are fully responsible for the promulgation of all this evil. They are a totally embedded part of the New Fascist Joseph Goebbels propaganda machine, whose constant mantra is "If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself." Society has become more blind than a bat in my opinion. Goebbels' confirms this while affirming that "Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will." " A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth." He further said...."Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play." Moreover, here is the truth he said which really rubs.... "There was no point in seeking to convert the intellectuals. For intellectuals would never be converted and would anyway always yield to the stronger, and this will always be "the man in the street." Arguments must therefore be crude, clear and forcible, and appeal to emotions and instincts, not the intellect. Truth was unimportant and entirely subordinate to tactics and psychology." What we actually have here is a global conundrum that needs resolution immediately. Be thankful we have men like Igor and JD Rucker standing in the gap for mankind. It is because of all this evil being perpetrated by mankind that the promised wrath of God is coming to destroy the destroyers of the earth.

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Doesn't matter, won't teach them a lesson or anything. They'll continue to lie cause that's the point.

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Just lock him up.

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Grow a brain. And while you’re at it, help your evil clown pedo dementia resident grow one too.

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Perhaps you could do some research on Malignant Narcissism at Quora.com.

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I don’t need to know anything more about you…

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Hope it doesn't go to "court" in D.C. LOL " Everybody got DNA!!" LOL

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More great info on Trump at Quora.com

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