Jeff Childers did a nice job of covering this in his morning Coffee and Covid Substack as he lives down the road from Orlando. I already commented there that sadly I was not surprised at these revelations and we've been watching their level of depravity go deeper for decades. Walt himself was not exactly welcoming to anything Christian. Disneyland had a "main street" with a church conspicuously absent. Their films and programming has long demeaned men and fathers. IMO, there has been nothing pro-family about them since I became an adult which is a LONG time ago!

Our son has never been to Disney World or Disneyland or Epcot or Universal Studios. We spent an entire month in Florida during a sabbatical and never set foot in any of those. I asked him recently (in his mid-20s) if he has felt deprived? Not at all.

As I said on Jeff's Substack, I've never understood the lack of discernment many who profess Christ have when it comes to Disney, but after the past two years of meeting so few who are thinking critically, I should stop wondering.

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I didn’t really get how disgusting Disney was until recently.

I’m still having a cognitive dissonance about it.

I grew up watching Wild Kingdom, Than Disney on Sunday nights.

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I also grew up with it every Sunday night, but I've known for a long time that appearances were deceiving.

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It’s so disturbing.

A childhood fond memory, now glazed w filth.

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Yes, it's sad.

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"It doesn't matter whether you're the parent of young children." I'm afraid it does matter. While people without kids may be sympathetic to the travails of parents who are saddled with raising children into a world of slavery to TPTB, it will be difficult in the extreme to get childless couples to care very much about what Disney is doing to children. They simply will not be invested in the troubles of children, troubles that do not affect them. Does this matter? Probably it does, since TPTB will not be swayed by complaints that come only from parents, but they might be swayed if the entire population complained about what is happening to children.

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I respectfully disagree. My children are grown but now I have grandchildren and I am probably even more concerned about what is happening to the culture than I was when I was caught up in the day to day challenge of raising children.

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I understand completely, and I do sympathize with your concerns. You might be part of that population who could raise concerns that usually only come from parents. Do you attend school board meetings with parents of school-age children? You might want to. That said, and I don't like to say this, I believe we are past the point of redeeming the culture we lost, at least in the aggregate. The best future we can make for our children will be at the local level, divorced from the greater culture at large, in small communities where we can nurture traditional Western values in our children. Hope is lost for the rest of humanity, I'm afraid.

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Sadly, I agree about being past the point of redeeming the culture we lost...

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Disney just came out with a movie called FRESH, it’s about Cannabalism! I have read it described as a comedy horror movie. What could possibly be comedic about Cannabalism? Why even pick such a subject? https://www.returntoorder.org/petition/protest-against-fresh-disneys-promotion-of-cannibalism/

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Disney has ALWAYS been against traditional values. Good to see people waking up.

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By going down this rabbit hole - you're giving them the very ammunition they'll use against you.

For people who're unfamiliar with the gay community this is not, by any means the overall consensus but rather hijacked by a specific percentage that are certainly NOT representative of the community itself.

For them, being gay is a common culture, a conscious identity, a mode of perception, a particular outlook on the world, a shared sense of self, an ethos, a practice and NOW sure as hell an ATTITUDE!

One of the greatest myths is that people (children) commit suicide because they're gay when in actuality it's because of this is the very scenario they are so ashamed and specifically what they DON'T want to be associated with. The ostentatious, in your face, culture. That same culture that is NOW destroying Disney. For more than 25 years everyone knew the Disney Executives were all gay!!

The time has come for those who simply prefer affection from the same sex, who don't WANT and abhor the labels to take back their community. If this continues it's only a matter of time before they abolish gay marriage because the hatred is festering all over again as you're seeing in this article.

The irony being, in one breathe they demand equal rights but yet refuse to drop the labels solidifying they want to be different! Why? Because without the labels, you can't exploit it.

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Oh dear, we’ve been saving to take our grandchildren and the whole family to DisneyWorld in 2 years! Now I don’t think I want them anywhere near that place. All of this just makes me sick!! Where can we them instead? They will be so disappointed, but this place is becoming worse everyday!💔

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All you have to do is search for "sexual references in disney movies" and you will get a rather long list. It has been talked about for years. I remember hearing about the bishop in Little Mermaid who appears to have an erection. Their animator said that was supposed to be his knees. Oh, right, because THAT'S what it looks like. *eye roll* This former D animator tried to explain away a whole list of sexual references in D movies. One would have to be a half-wit to believe his nonsense. They have been doing this for years and it is very intentional.

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