The psychological effects of lockdowns, facemasks, and the removal of our freedoms has been well-documented. Even many leftist news outlets and Big Pharma-controlled medical journals have highlighted that much of the population, particularly children, have experienced major psychological shifts.
But what if it's worse than that? What if there's a physiological response to the Covid jabs themselves causing many to experience personality changes? There is plenty of anecdotal evidence of this, but thus far we haven't seen any studies examining the possible phenomenon... nor will we. It could be years before any scientists are brave enough to tackle such an anti-narrative endeavor. In fact, it may never happen.
What we DO know is that spike proteins have been found in the brain of at least one vaccine victim who had an autopsy. It seems likely that the one published autopsy of someone who died following the jabs that included a check of the victim's brain is not an isolated case. Are the spike proteins from the jabs, Covid-19 itself, or both getting into our brains and changing our personalities? A handful of analysts and doctors discussed this potential on a recent interview.
Here's an article by Ethan Huff over at Natural News that highlights that discussion as well as the potential reasons why some are seeing these dramatic personality changes. It's noteworthy that after reading the article, I started asking people I know and trust if they'd noticed anything different. ALL of them had. The consensus was that their vaxxed friends and family seemed more docile. This conclusion was derived independently; I talked to each separately and they all had the same basic response without prompting. I'll be discussing it on today's episode of The JD Rucker Show.
mRNA Covid Injections Causing Some Recipients to Experience Drastic Personality Changes: WHY?
Last month during an International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC) session, attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich interviewed Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, Prof. Dr. Karina Reiss, Dr. Naomi Wolf, and Dr. Peter R. Breggin about the damaging effects of mRNA “vaccination” for covid. One of the topics they discussed is how the shots damage the small capillaries in the brain, override the blood-brain barrier, and cause extensive brain damage that oftentimes results in extreme personality changes.
Some who take the mRNA shots end up experiencing a broken will, which is not exactly a normal side effect of a “vaccine.” What are these things doing to people to change the way their brain functions? That was the subject of the discussion, which you can watch in full either below or at The Exposé.
During the interview, Wolf unpacked what the post-injection “breaking of people’s will” looks like in real life while Breggin highlighted the disturbing parallels between what the mRNA injections are doing to the brain and the effects of an actual lobotomy.
It quickly becomes clear from their discussion that the covid injection campaign is, in fact, one of the most brutal and savage crimes against humanity that has ever been committed – and all in the name of “public health,” no less. (Related: Some degree of heart damage occurs in every person who gets covid-jabbed with mRNA.)
Previously healthy and vibrant people have become “docile” and forgetful post-injection, Fuellmich says
One of the things Fuellmich and his wife have noticed personally is that servers at local restaurants who were once full of life and very sharp and interactive are no longer their normal selves. Some of them are constantly forgetting things and having to come back to the table while others are now “docile” when they previously had strong personalities.
Wolf explained that she, too, has noticed this. And there are reasons for it that Bhakdi said is caused by the breaking of the blood-brain barrier and insertion of mRNA into brain tissue. And the plan, Bhakdi further revealed in several presentations he has given, is to eventually make all “vaccines” contain mRNA.
“What people do not understand is that all mRNA vaccines are dangerous and are going to threaten life,” Bhakdi told the audience. “It does not matter whether the vaccine encodes for the spike protein, for the measles protein, for the flu – it does not matter. Why? Because the whole danger of the vaccine stems from the ability of the immune system to recognize non-self.”
The damage this causes to the nervous system is something that can be tangibly measured and observed, which is what the discussion highlights. People who got jabbed are no longer themselves, in many cases, expressing unusual emotions that were not previously part of who they were before the injections.
“People, colleagues of mine after they got injected would be much more dualistic in their thinking, much more rigid – and if you know the structure of the brain, that makes sense,” Wolf further explained about her observations.
“If people’s thinking is more rigid and there’s damage to the neural structures, that seems like something worth asking more questions about. I also knew that people were much angrier, less ability to modulate emotions – more primal reactions to provocation. People have also been saying that the changes are affective – people who were previously warm and affectionate have become cold, distant, or cutting other people off.”
More on all this is available in the full interview, which is worth watching above in its entirety.
Want to keep up with the latest covid injection news? Visit ChemicalViolence.com.
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I believe the vaccines and the manipulation of food supplies have been perpetrated for the very purpose of creating docile, sick slaves. Keep your slaves scared sick and poor and they will never revolt or leave the the plantation.
Zombie apocalypse